Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Chinese Market Plays

China was shocked this week by the 5% decline in the country's Consumer Price Index. As a result, they are on a full fledged mission to bring that number back in 2009. The start was the investment of $2 trillion dollars. Now we know where the majority of that money will be going it is a better market indicator and we know how to play China now. First, the Chinese have managed to stabilize the commodity market. We have seen this in the increases of Freeport, BHP, Vale, Rio Tinto, and various other commodity firms. Other plays we have seen in China are the large infrastructure projects for telecom. This makes CHL, the world's largest Telecom provider and the sole provider to China, a bullish play. They still have a large untapped market as many chinese people don't use cell phones the same way we do in America. Other Chinese plays are Petro China (PTR) which is a large petroleum producer who is receiving much love from the Chinese investors. If you want a way to play all these then check out these two Chinese based ETF's: PGJ & FXI. China is a bull market now so make sure you can ride the wave.